domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Another Blog

Hello, I hope you're having a very good time this winter break. This time I'm not writing to tell you what to study or the homework for next week hahaha. I want to show you my new blog about pieces of news I would like to share with you to practice and improve your reading skills. It will be easy for you to understand the pieces of news, so check it out!

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Verbs to Study

List of verbs to study:

  1. BE --- WAS / WERE
  4. BITE --- BIT
  5. BREAK --- BROKE
  6. BUY --- BOUGHT
  7. BURN --- BURNT
  8. BUILD --- BUILT
  10. COME --- CAME
  11. COST --- COST
  12. CUT --- CUT
  13. DO --- DID
  14. DRINK --- DRANK
  15. DRAW --- DREW 
  16. DREAM --- DREAMT
  17. DRIVE --- DROVE
  18. EAT --- ATE
  19. FALL --- FELL
  20. FLY --- FLEW
  21. FIGHT --- FOUGHT 
  23. GIVE --- GAVE
  24. GO --- WENT
  25. HAVE --- HAD 
  26. HEAR --- HEARD
  27. HIT --- HIT
  28. HURT --- HURT
  29. KEEP --- KEPT 
  30. KNOW --- KNEW
  31. LEARN --- LEARNT
  32. LOSE --- LOST
  33. LEND --- LENT
  34. MAKE --- MADE
  35. MEET --- MET 
  36. PAY --- PAID
  37. PUT --- PUT
  38. READ --- READ
  39. RIDE --- RODE
  40. RUN --- RAN
  41. SAY --- SAID
  42. SEE --- SAW
  43. SPEAK --- SPOKE
  44. SELL --- SOLD 
  45. SEND --- SENT
  46. SHOW --- SHOWED
  47. SING --- SANG
  48. SIT --- SAT
  49. SLEEP --- SLEPT
  50. SWIM --- SWAM
  51. TAKE --- TOOK
  52. TEACH --- TAUGHT
  53. TELL --- TOLD
  56. WIN --- WON
  57. WRITE --- WROTE

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

5th Grade Oral Report

Remember: the oral reports start this wednesday. Everybody has to be prepared to show the sport.
 No excuses allowed!

The Academy

The academy has come to an end for this term. (We'll meet again next term of course) Today, we meet to share a good time and we chose the best student, the most hardworking students and more. Here you have some pictures from this special time. (Sorry about the poor quality but I used my cellphone haha)


Online Dictionary

Online Dictionary is a usefull tool to look for pronunciation. Look for the word, clic search, click the speaker icon and listen to the pronunciation when you're studying by yourself.

domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Oral Report

Rememer the oral reports are from this Wednesday 6th on. You have to talk about the singer or group (Name, real name, date of bith, place of birth, time singing, most famous songs) and you have to sing a song.
This is the rubric: